When are tryouts?
2015-2016 Sláinte Boys Tryouts is on Sunday, August 16, 2015. Please click on our tryout page for more information re tryout location, forms, etc….
What happens after tryouts?
After tryouts, the coaches will choose players best suited for each team. Players that are chosen will be notified within the next 48 hours. Please note that each team can expect to have either 10 to 12 players on the official team roster.
What happens if I miss tryouts?
Please email Nga Tran at slaintedirectors@gmail.com
If I am accepting a spot on one of the teams, what do I do next?
There is a mandatory parent and player’s meeting on Tuesday, August 18, 2015 at Sacred Heart Cathedral – 1055 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA. This meeting is required for all those joining Sláinte for the 2015-2016 season. Please meet in Dining Hall from 6:00pm – 7:30pm. This meeting will address the club’s philosophy, parents’ questions, coaches’ expectations, team paperwork, uniform fitting, NCVA letter of commitment, first payment, player’s payment agreement, etc…
If you are not able to make this meeting, please let us know in advance. Please note that if you are unable to make the meeting and there is no communication with the coaches or directors, it is assumed that you will not be taking a spot on a Sláinte team. (After the parent’s meeting, the player’s spot will be given to the next person on the list.)
When/where is practice held?
Generally, there are two practices a week. There is one practice on Sunday – approximately 2-2½ hours. The second practice will be on a weeknight) – approximately 1.5-2 hours. Please note there will be no practice during Thanksgiving weekend.
Please note that the majority of the practices will be held at Sacred Heart Cathedral (SHC).
Sacred Heart Cathedral – 1055 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA
John O’Connell High School – 2355 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA
Washington High School – 600 32nd Avenue, San Francisco, CA
What is the time commitment for tournaments?
Power League Tournaments start at 8:00am and generally ends around 4pm. Playing sites are in various locations in northern California. Teams could go to San Francisco State University, San Jose State, or to Rocklin. Travel times vary from 30 minutes to potentially 3 hours.
Is playing time guaranteed?
This is dependent on the team that your son chooses to play on.
Sláinte 18-1…players in this program expect high levels of competition. Playing time is not shared equally but based on performance at practices and tournaments. This evaluation is at the discretion of the coaching staff. This is used to keep teams competitive and to achieve team goals. Coaches will provide a fair and impartial environment for each player to earn playing time. Playing time will not be discussed as it relates to another teammate.
Sláinte 16-1, Sláinte 18-2…players in the program are competitive, however, the coaches will find a balance between learning and succeeding. Playing time and position are balanced between each player’s need to learn a skill &/or a position and the player’s ability to contribute to the team’s success. Players will participate in every tournament, however, playing time is not equally distributed. Coaches will balance players’ strengths and weaknesses for the team to keep its momentum.
Sláinte 14-1, Sláinte 18-3 and Sláinte 16-2…the emphasis with these teams will be playing to learn. With that in mind, we believe that experience on the court is key to the player’s learning experience. Playing time will be somewhat more equally balanced.
What are my options if I do not make one of Sláinte’s Fall Power League Teams?
Sláinte will do its best to accommodate all players who want to learn the sport, however, competing on Power League may not be the best fit. We generally offer options that might be a better fit.
An Alternate Position on a Power League Team…the alternate player will participate in all team practices, however, they will not travel and/or compete in Power League Tournaments.
Rising Youth Program…this program is mainly for beginners or intermediate players looking to advance their volleyball skills. This program practices on Sundays only. No tournament or travel is involved. Space is limited to 12 players per team.
Sláinte Skills Clinic…these Skills Clinics are generally held from September thru October and meant for beginners &/or players who would like to work on their fundamentals.
Financial Commitment
Sláinte 14-1 - $1,000
Sláinte 16-1 - $1200
Sláinte 16-2 - $1000
Sláinte 18-1 - $1,400
Sláinte 18-2 - $1,200
Sláinte 18-3 - $1,000
Due Dates
1st Half - August 18, 2015
2nd Half - October 1, 2015
Fees Include
Sláinte team gear, team jerseys, team sports equipment, office supplies, Fall Tournament Schedule (see Fall Tournament link), gym rental fees, team practices, and coaches’ salaries.
Power League